慧昭牛舌餅 Huizhao Beef Tongue Pancake


Huizhao beef tongue pancake is located next to the famous goose meat and is but one of the small eateries to visit. It is main hand-made by the owners themselves, with the figure of scones. This small store’s fragrance has been around the Taipei Veterans Hospital for more than 20 years. The taste is divided into two kinds, sweet malt and salty peanuts, which can be selected according to personal preference.

水龜伯 Shuiguibo Shaved Ice Shop



照片來源 : 愛爾達電視台

Hidden in the vicinity of the Shipai Night Market, the ShuiGuiBo Ice Shop is a well-known dessert shop in the Shipai area perfect for hot summers. You’ll even see plenty of senior citizens unable to resist the sweet goodness. With a base layer of shaved ice, you can add toppings such as tapioca balls marinated in brown sugar, taro balls, sweet potato balls, grass jelly, red bean, green bean, almond pudding, egg pudding, etc. The Q bomb has a chewy taste and it can not be eaten anywhere else.

In addition to enjoying delicious ice products, you may wish to look up and see that the retro nostalgic furnishings in the store are the owner’s own private collections, so that the people who come here to taste the desserts will also have a glimpse into the life of the older generation.

Photo source : Erda TV